Proceeds from Online Zoom Classes

Each week, a Percentage of our ZOOM class donations will go to one of the organizations:

Berkshire Food Project
Located in North Adams, Massachusetts, Berkshire Food Project has fed those in need since 1987. Years before Covid came along, five hundred Berkshire residents per week were served. Now those numbers are far greater, helped by the terrific people who volunteer their time at such a worthy charity.

The following mini-video is very inspiring if you wish to learn more:


The International Rescue Committee is a global humanitarian aid, relief, and development nongovernmental organization. Due to Covid-19, IRC is providing lifesaving programs to vulnerable communities in over 40 countries worldwide, including the United States. If you are a lover of Shakespeare, click this link to hear actors beautifully sharing the Bard’s rallying cry for all of humanity, which hundreds of years ago, still rings true with the great work of the IRC:

Multicultural Bridge

Sierra Club

St Jude’s Research Hospital opened in 1962, thanks to the vision and generosity of Danny Thomas. No family has ever had to pay for their children to be served there.

WAM Theatre


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